Well, it took a few weeks to do but you can finally say with pride, extreme media feed flare now is live! There are a few things still to do like actual home page for the network. I had a graphic guy working on it, he accepted as complete new icon, and then poof! He was gone! If you know of a good graphics, let me know!
Now right now there are about 40 or so proposals to live within the network and Yes, they primarily health product-related offers. Those junky not though, proposals which are to be met around the time the execution projections are all to the FTC and a pair of landing pages to flog.Feed Media flare has even 8 health suggestions that are compatible with running Google Adwords! it was very nice to see the quality of the network right such hop.
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Join Feed Media flare?
Here are just a few key features built into the entering ray media that I think are super features for all affiliates may have on the network they are working with, and offers these features exactly I was looking for and I worked with in the past from what! enjoy them!
At first she media feed flare has it he himself built banner ad.You can upload your banner ad with banners and affiliate links, then set it to an ad that ever lived on buying traffic from, let your banner ad to track everything, right inside your Affiliate Center.A great feature for all buyers of media outside!
Feed Media flare also uses a cookie based impression. What impression based cookies? well, instead of having to click on one of the links so that you can receive credit for the visitors, all with overlap happens with the entering ray media links is for your page to load. In this way (and that happens all the time) if the visitor decides to type the name of the product and, through affiliate links to get the product still you get credit for the lead. Extra simple way to improve the ROI at the end of the day (and mine too)!
Place your own pixels! no more hounding your affiliate managers to place pixels for you, you can do it directly from within the offer page is self, which grab your affiliate links from.
Sharing a space of 10% on affiliate references send media feed flare for animals and has a full detailed reports of all popups a branch under your affiliate link and what they earned.
Conversion rates that will set before.If you are a super good at affiliate marketing can drive quality traffic and leads, get paid for all your leads.If you need to remove lead, (sometimes fire pixels twice on the same IP address) you will be provided with the full report. all about media feed flare is up and down – 100% transparent!That is how I affiliate market and how to start something on my network.
There are a few additional features have been into the media feed flare and more to live very foreign time too short.
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Suggestions for what you like to see?
Not many networks have a partner, ask that they'd like to see for the suggestions I can ask guys. taste me fill until ray media with a bunch of suggestions, nobody is going to be run only to tell me thousands of proposals is a pile of work to me ... a heap of junk filter having a way to find what your looking for. leave a comment after this post offers with your idea.
That all said, I hope to see you there if you don't, I'm sure to keep you updated and how things are going I still publish details of my own affiliate reports earnings on a monthly basis. no networks!
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