It took several weeks to get this put together. Want to be able to reflect my affiliate marketing year and in 2009 to make sure not to forget anything I wanted to post about. 2009 was a year of my first real affiliate marketing and there was a stack of ups and I went.
I saw such that I loved to see trends I-mainly different schedule types that year.Drop me were posted on a regular basis and were rising I could build my business around a number of claims was very heavy geek I was over the legal fees are in most of my publishers as well as some FTC regulations in very heavy December 1/09 that caused a bit of until the end of the year, turn right.
So here's my earnings go down by the network over 2009!
Neverblue ads – 43,912.00 $Media Trust – $30,926.00Pepperjam network – 6539.00 $Azoogle ads-$ 2720.00Hydra Network – $2378.00Copeac – 1863.00 $Opes media – $1500.00CX digital – $1014.00Max bounty – $845.00Wotogepa – $773.00Leveraging market – $728.00Track Karaktr – $84.00 Recurring commissions – $2000.00 Total royalty fees for 2009 – $ 95,282.00
I know there is no a little more I made, like this blog reviews from some other small things I do--but as far as my time shifts – it is not worth trying to remember everything now.I wanted to see the value (within several thousand dollars) my earnings were for my first full year affiliate marketing. I'm glad to report earnings for January are double what they were all too last month.
As far as expenses beyond — I do know this detail on tax time. There are tons of your own business and work perks owns a house in which you can claim such expenses so that it would not be fair for me to post all of it here.But, as you can see from my other income reports – my costs per day for my affiliate marketing business is very low compared to others. Over 90% of my earnings, so they profit!
Why I don't like in 2009;
There were a few things that happened in 2009. First I suppose you will I dislike not having years of experience under my belt. when I make money a good last spring – naturally I loved him, but when things began to slow down in the summer I got concerned – had a sense of what was next.(Keep in mind I'm a single parent of a child a full-time 9 year-old, I had a scary--he does not know where or how much money to have a month to month) always I was sure if unable to recover from the slow times, I even don't know vmachzv if they were times even slow.
My most drops were due to the re baachnsot brandings who publish my walking through – it was something else I hated to see. Honestly, I felt like when finally was getting to where I would have to restart due to a bunch of my previous due to restart the brand.I couldn't keep growing at a rate that I wanted to keep growing.
Say some of my networks and affiliate managers to deal with my really need to look at how they relate to a good daughter, ????????.Networks have the ability to help ???????? beyond belief by giving them campaigns and set them up to how much money is good – but when it comes to affiliate should help grow-they sit of hands say do not tell you anything because we have to protect our people.
Networks can know who is the branch of the good, the one who will be around for a long time and who want to build a solid affiliate marketing income.Help them!!!! You have all the data on your network to work with these people so that when one has a budget to get started and you will know what type of affiliate they – giving them a money maker. It is not always to be super affiliate getting these types of transactions up and coming guys. need more in my opinion.Fortunately for me, recently I found a affiliate network who are ready to take with me.Look for some better through reports of income in the year 2010.
What I liked about 2009;
Also the first and most obvious would be something I'm working from home this past year, which carries an additional bonus to be my boss – ways most.Still had my tons but I am working on it.
Although I have my ups and always I could bounce back to the right, and frame shortly afterwards when you ran for the first time I can now ask the right questions about some suggestions, so I know which ones to avoid which of them should focus on I even pick out good or later converting landing pages when looking at the suggestions.
Also I learned a completely new aspect of affiliate marketing called buying media, which could be any hint even existed on a year ago.Volvere by now if it wasn't upward, open I still have my SEO sites.
Defiantly have built some of relative the great work with some people very key industry began to pay this month.I also have my account banned on Google.I look at it like a plus sign, because now I don't have to spend my money bidding on keywords that are way above the prices – lmao. see ya G large! ban is my account-ad-words to only btrgomim.
What is my favorite tool I used to make money;
To a great extent this has to be unique tax Wizard tool. December, I took the entire month sending articles for several (mostly because I didn't know the impact of full compliance with the latest in the Dec 1 FTC/09) but I wanted to see exactly how much money actually produces tools using articles I dropped down to just above k 3 last month as revenue not using the tool, this month I fired it back up and I double what I did last month.A simple tool for my niche at
If you want to join unique tax Wizard, use the shell to add a page at the top right of this blog to sign up – or, if you guys want to post on how I use it, just leave a comment saying that after the post and I will accept it as quickly as possible.
My goals for 2010;
These are in fact simply targets. first, it builds a list of emails I have over k unique visitors every month 30 targeting health suggestions I'd like to list based on the same traffic source I'd like to also drilling away one and build a profitable niche campaigns along a wide range of niches. type fewer eggs in one basket of this last not least but k 30 hits each month for the stable income.
Conclusion of 2009;
Looking back, I am so proud of what I could do and build out a monthly commitment. head over a very small is low, especially my very high income and for what I I guess I have completely ?"??? instead of system, even with all the fucking thing that I have spent tons of freedom never had me before my life and the options to go almost anywhere with what I do professionally.
All in all, 2009 was great change affiliate marketing, I would love to see what 2010 brings!
Happy new year and good luck!
Up in a post – follow up on the review Media Kings of Kings media space. profit claims they will work with any affiliate (new and old) to build a profitable campaigns, I suppose one of the owners of the test. Kings gap, I spent some time on the phone last week toward the above campaign idea and what needs to be done to get the same results as quickly as possible. I am going to report on what we have done, what we were doing what they are my earnings. lets see if this network is going to do more, and then only ensures higher payments to us, fool. are actually do what they claim they can???Stay tuned!